For all of you athletes currently receiving offers for Colleges and Universities within the US, you will soon have to start thinking about applying for your student Visas.

Here’s a number of points to remember when visiting the US consulate:


Speak for yourself-


When being interviewed by a US consulate officer, answer their questions for yourself. If you choose to bring in your parents to the interview, answer your own questions. Remember that these people are here to interview you, not your parents, so take the interview into your hands.


Be in the know-


Be fully aware of the reason that you are going to the US, to play sport for a US college. Know the name of the University or College that you are attending.


Come prepared-


Prepare all of your necessary documents prior to the interview. Collate these and store them in a folder. This will allow you to pull it all together when the day of the interview comes around




Create a time line-


Document all due dates on a timeline with a count down to the interview. Be mindful that certain tasks take longer than others to complete so leave yourself enough time to process these documents


Be brief and to the point-


Remember that the consulate officer goes through a number of interviews per day. Do yourself a favour by answering your questions as directly as possible without waffling.


Maintain a positive attitude-


Maintain a positive attitude, towards the whole experience. Going into the interview with a positive mind frame will allow the whole process to run more smoothly!

