684849-0b5be944-396a-11e4-837d-f9230d7806b3If you could do anything in the world, what would it be? What would your job be? What would your ideal life look like? Where would you live? How would you influence the community or even the world?

If you know your answer to these questions, then you’re on the right track. If you don’t – then are you leaving your life to chance by living day to day and allowing others to dictate who you are and what you do, rather than the other way around?

It’s important to set goals and make time for yourself as no one else is going to put time a side for you. Before you know it you may have spent valuable time on things that aren’t important to you, which in turn will most likely make you feel flat and unmotivated.

Having goals and dreams keeps us motivated and help shape who and how we want to be. It is so important to do what you are passionate about, because if you follow your heart it will bring you joy and satisfaction.

We need an action plan in place if we want to achieve our goals! I love the book “The Secret” as it highlights the importance of knowing what you want, believing it and manifesting that into your life. However I also know that if I sit on my butt and tell myself over and over that I want to be the world’s greatest netballer – it’s probably not going to happen. To be the best, you have to do everything greater than what others in the same position as you are already doing. So, if you want a spot at an American college for example (if that is your dream/goal) what are you currently doing that’s greater than what everyone else is currently doing that will be going to trials? If you don’t know, it’s about time you found out!

“How do I know what others are doing?” I hear you ask. Well, to be perfectly honest – you don’t. However you can find and ask people who either are currently doing what you want to do or that have already done it. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel and guess how you should go about things when people have already walked in the shoes before you. Utilise the fact that someone has already walked the path and allow him or her to help create shortcuts for you, so that when you’ve reached your destination, you can help people get closer to their dreams too.

Over the next few weeks I will share with you how I go about my goal setting, more questions you can ask yourself and remind you to push yourself outside your comfort zone, because although it can feel unnatural – it’s only because you haven’t been there before.