What no one will probably tell you at orientation

…life hacks to make the first few weeks of college easier!

Utilise your phone!
class schedule phone
Take a screenshot of your class schedule and save it as your phone background! It’s completely normal to not know where you’re going for classes, but this handy little tip will help you from constantly pulling out your schedule!

Pens have more uses than one!

Use the back of your pen clip to keep your textbook open so you’re not constantly losing your place!

Need to keep your desk organised but don’t want to go out and buy anything?penholder

An old toilet paper roll can be used as a makeshift pen holder!

Colour code

Colour code your textbooks so that you can easily identify which one you need and pull it out of your bag instead of wasting precious learning time!

Need some speakers but don’t want to fork out the cash?
Use a plastic cup as a makeshift amplifier and attach it onto your device speakers!

Food storage

pringle pasta

Don’t throw away that empty Pringles can! Be kind to the environment by re-using the container as a pasta holder.

Which one will you use when you set up your dorm room?!