The SAT’s is a standardized test for high school students similar to the ACT’s.  The test measures a high school student’s readiness for college through three major sections; Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing.

SAT-Language-TestsIn 2014 1.67 million students took the SATs. The total time the test takes is 3 hours and 45 minutes excluding breaks. There are also SAT Subject tests that allow student to showcase their knowledge in a specific subject that they excel at. There are 20 SAT Subject tests that can be divided into five general subjects areas and these include; Languages – Spanish, Spanish with listening, German, German with listening, French, French with listening, Modern Hebrew, Italian, Latin, Chinese with listening, Japanese with listening and Korean with listening. History – U.S. History and World History. English –Literature. Science – Chemistry, Biology/EM and Physics and finally, Mathematics – Math Level 1 and Math Level 2. However, many students’ choose not to take the subject exam and all Australian students’ take the general SAT exam.

The Format:

The exam is divided into three sections and each receives a score on the scale 200-800 with all scores being a multiple of 10.The total score is calculated by adding all three sections together. The questions for each section generally begin at easy then to medium. Most of the questions on the SAT are in multiple-choice format except for the essay and grid in the maths sections.

The three major sections include; Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing.