“Warm Clothes, Vegemite and Tim-Tams” 

dakota On the right, Dakota Simmons

It is a long way to Minnesota for Aussie, Dakota Simmons (NSW), but he’s an adventurous and excited young man who is ready for his trip ahead.

NSR Australia sat down with Dakota to get some insight on his personal journey, along with the anticipation of studying abroad in an unknown country whilst playing his favorite sport; soccer.

It all started a year ago when Dakota joined the NSR Australia program. Dakota exemplified the ‘perfect candidate,’ as he proved to be a solid student and a competitive athlete. Because of this, it wasn’t hard to attract the attention of the US college coaches and Dakota soon secured his spot on an amazing soccer team in Minnesota.

This will be Dakota’s first trip to the United States and he explained to NSR that the experience would be something “different and exciting.” Dakota is looking forward to meeting his new teammates (one of which is a fellow NSR athlete, Zeke Marshall) and coach, along with the new environment and level of play.

Between school and work, Dakota cannot always make time for team practice as he currently competes with Cronulla RSL. But this doesn’t stop him from staying sharp and fit. In his spare time, Dakota will go out and do his own drills on his own time. He practices his shooting, dribbling and all around fitness to ensure he is ready come preseason, August 1st.


Dakota jokes that one thing he will miss about Australia is the warm weather. Minnesota is located in the north central region of the US, and the first thing he’ll be packing is warm clothes as there will be plenty of snow come winter! Vegemite and Tim-Tams come in at a close second.

In conclusion of our chat, Dakota shared some inspiring advice for all other NSR prospects who might be feeling nervous about their departure for this semester:

“It is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you need to make the most of it. You never know what doors will open from this experience and who you’re going to meet. There will be a strong support system (athletes, friends and coach) who will make you feel at home once you are settled in.”

Well said Dakota!