museum guide - american natural history museumWhat?  American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)

Where?  Upper West Side of New York City

Why?  AMNH boasts four floors, 42 permanent exhibits, a planetarium and an IMAX theatre.

Approximately five million visitors flock to this super-museum a year!


What?   The Kennedy Space Centre

Where?   Florida

Why?   The Kennedy Space Centre is a $100 million interactive and comprehensive space offering an incredible experience into the history of NASA. You can even experience the feeling of floating in space, and go through a virtual spacewalk!


What?  Smithsonian Institution

Where?   Washington, D.C

Why?   The Smithsonian Institution is a group of 11 museums run by the American government. Check one of 11 museums out to see priceless artifacts, works of arts, scientific specimens and cultural exhibits, or watch multimedia experiences on IMAX screens.