kb_02Make the choice to put in even 5% more effort, you will see 20% more results just by making the choice to commit to being better.

If you knew you could get 20% more results from putting in 5% more effort would you do it?  Well, to tell you a little secret, that is the case.  By having the mind set to make a little more effort, your results will increase exponentially.  This is relative to everything in life.  If you pay attention and work a little harder at your school work, you are sure to see better marks.  If you train just a little harder and make a couple more healthy choices on a daily basis you will feel healthier as a whole.

What we’re talking about here isn’t about changing things dramatically you are going through the motions already, if you have a purpose and are aware, small changes will make a huge difference. Don’t take my word for it, try it yourself!  This is your life. People can guide you along with way, but if you don’t get what you want in life, it’s because you didn’t put enough “in” to get “out” what you want!