How to get the perfect college offer

The first thing that you need to do to find yourself the perfect college offer is to understand what it is that you want. What are you looking for? Do you only want to go to a particular area of the United States? Do you want a large school or a smaller school? Do you want to have a higher chance of competing in your first year or are you happy to put work in and work your way into more playing opportunities later on. Do you need the cost of your experience to be within a particular budget range in terms of costs? Do you want to be near friends or family that are already in the US?

You may set no parameters or have zero preferences and just be happy with an opportunity. Parameters are your wants and your needs (preferences) and what are you looking for in a college offer. You may not have any.

The process of finding the perfect offer is to figure out exactly what it is that you’re wanting. Because if you don’t do that or if you fail to figure out what is important to you, then you won’t know the offer. There could be a lot of question marks with any option that comes through. You have to weigh up pros and cons and if there are more pros than cons, then it may not be the perfect offer because it doesn’t tick all the boxes. If it ticks a lot of them, then you are on the right track.
You won’t know how perfect it is until you are actually there, or at least speaking with coaches, which is something that happens in the latest stages of the process.

The first step is figuring out what it is what you want. After you determine this, you then need to figure out whether what you want is realistic. Does your athletic history, academic history, everything that you bring to the table allow you to get into these particular schools that you classed as perfect opportunities.
They may have too many parameters, many different desires.
There is the “perfect offer” and then there is figuring out whether you’re suitable for that offer or opportunity. You have to look at yourself in the present. That is what coaches are recruiting. The coaches are recruiting you now. If you are looking at a particular area, the best thing that you can do if you are not getting exactly what you deem as perfect is to put yourself in proximity of what you deem to be perfect. Then make the most of your experience to really try and get as close to perfect as you want.
What I think you will find along the way and a lot of kids find along the way is “Well this is actually really good where I am. I didn’t expect this at all.”

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