Wade Blog ShotHow many of you athletes take pre-game rituals and superstitions seriously? For some top athletes, these rituals could be the difference between winning and losing a game. NSR investigates the weird, the smart and the crazy pre- game rituals…

  1. Shaquille O’Neal’s Strike- Shaq lines his fellow players up in the locker room as in a bowling pin form and bowls them out before every big game. This not only serves as a source of hilarious entertainment, but also gears the team up for a big game. STRIKE!
  1. Dwayne Wade and the Pull Ups- Every game for the past 5 years, Wade performs 3 pull ups for good luck!
  1. Tajh Boyd- Quarterback for the Pittsburgh Stealers and ex Clemson football player, sings along to Phil Collin’s ‘In the Air Tonight’ in a room by himself!
  1. Kiss the Keeper– During the 1998 Soccer World Cup, Lauren Blanc would kiss his goal keeper, Fabian Barthenz, on the top of his bald head for good luck!
  1. Jason Giambi’s interesting underwear– Yankees first baseman, has a strong belief that the colour of your underwear could be the difference between a win and a loss. Opting for his well known GOLD underwear! He believes that he plays a better match when wearing this unique undergarment.