Our soccer superstar, Lloyd Caletti, (NSW) has just started his NSR journey at Bethel University in Minnesota!

lloyd caletti


Lloyd explained that the high level of competitive soccer Bethel engages in, was a large reason as to why.


“The opportunity to play NAIA Division 1 was a big factor in me choosing to accept their offer, because obviously they have a whole lot of athletes from all over the world going to all the universities that are in my association, and competing together,” he explained.


“The factor of meeting new friends from all over the world… I really liked that part of going overseas to study,” he explained.


The cool, calm and collected student athlete admitted he is approaching his first semester being “pretty confident”.
“I wouldn’t say I’m nervous,” he explained.


“Obviously there’s going to be challenges that will come up when I get there, but if I keep a positive mindset and tackle them as best as I can…” he trailed off.


The star shared that he will be studying psychology, and can’t wait to get the degree.


Aside from dominating the soccer field and the classroom, Lloyd has some tourist destinations on his list of American experiences he will be ticking off!


“I’d love to visit California or Hollywood specifically. Or the Grand Canyon!”


We are loving your positive attitude, Lloyd!