Our incredible soccer pro, Anthony Nelkoski (VIC) is about to begin the journey of a lifetime at Holyoke Community College in Massachusetts! We caught up with him before he left Aus!

anthony nelkolski

When did you start playing soccer/why do you love it so much?

I started playing when I was about 8 years old. When I play soccer, it makes me forget about all the problems and worries going on in and around my life, there’s 90 minutes in a game of football, and throughout that 90 minutes, you go through 90 different emotions.
What’s your ultimate career goal? Is it to play professionally or do you have another dream?

My ultimate career goal would be to play professional football.
What are you looking forward to about Holyoke?

I’m looking forward to a life changing experience, meeting new and amazing people, all while studying and playing what I love.
In five years, where do you hope you are as a result of NSR? What do you hope to gain out of this program?

In 5 years’ time my aim would be to play professional football somewhere around the world, whether it being the U.S. Europe or even Asia. If that doesn’t work out then I would want to work as a strength and conditioning coach for a sporting club.
Sounds like you have a really clear goal, Anthony! We can’t wait to see you smash it over there!