Jess Hypt


Soccer talent from NSW, Jessica Hypatidis, has just recently started her NSR experience at Graceland University in Iowa.

We caught up with Jessica just before her departure date, who was busily awaiting her journey.

The young pro was only just recently training very hard in preparation for her new team, continuing her “summer training schedule” with her coach.

Jessica also caught up with a girl on her team that would also be travelling to Graceland from Australia, in which she described was an “instant friendship”.

Jessica said she can’t wait to get a “different experience”.

“It’ll be a different level to what I’m used to, so stepping up and playing a higher level of football will be awesome,” she explained.

The young talent also will be studying, ironically, international studies.

Jessica explained that she simply wants “to see where” her NSR journey will take her.

“If I am in a position where I can play football at a higher level, then absolutely that’s what I’ll do. But if not, using my degree to work for an ad agency would be awesome,” she shared.

We can’t wait to check in with this superstar later on!