Our basketball pro, Clifford Coetzee (QLD) has just recently landed in Florida for West Oaks Academy!


We were lucky enough to catch up with the talented baller just before he departed Australia!

When did you start playing basketball/why do you love it so much?

I’ve started playing basketball at the age of 14. Basketball is my passion; it’s what I live for. I can’t describe the love I have for the game basketball brings out the best in me the moment I step on that court it’s me and my ball.

What’s your ultimate career goal? Is it to play professionally or do you have another dream?

I am so driven and such a hard worker. I train 6 days a week to better myself. I am so positive and believe in myself that I can fulfil my dream. My ultimate goal is to play basketball at a professional level.

What are you looking forward to about West Oaks?

Starting at West Oaks College will be quite an experience. I am ready for the challenge and extra hard work that’s coming my way. I’m looking forward to meeting my coach and team mates that has the same career aspirations as me, willing to work hard, play hard and play the game we all love.

In 5 years where do you hope you are as a result of NSR? What do you hope to gain out of this program?

In 5 years’ time, I hope that I would be playing basketball at a higher level and be challenged to the ultimate limit with more strength, confidents and be even more determined than before. With this program I’m hoping that I can grow as a person, as a player, accept all challenges, work even harder and with confidents, strength and determination be strong enough to reach the top.