Keri Clarke – Business Development Manager
Favourite sport/team and player? Yankee’s (baseball)
What’s your star sign? Scorpio
If you had super powers what would they be? Telepathy
If you were famous who would you be? Shakira
Which celebrity do you look like? Reese Witherspoon
Funniest childhood memory? Finding a fish in my bathing suit at age 3 at the beach
Five words that describe you? Intense, motivated, driven, international, beachy
Who is your celebrity crush? Mario Casas – Spanish Actor
What would you do with your last $20? Save it
Worst Habit? Working too much
Favourite movie? Cinco Metros sobre el cielo (3 meters above heaven)
Favourite food/meal? Scallops
What would you rate your cooking out of 10? 12