demetriDemetri first got involved in soccer at the earliest opportunity in New Zealand, before moving to Australia in 2011.

“My dad just loved it and I’ve always been around it, because I’m Greek. They love their soccer! I just grew around it and I just loved it, ever since I started playing,” he explained.

Demetri’s dream is to professionally pursue soccer, leading him to NSR, a journey that he can’t wait to get underway.

“You get to go to college and study. I just wanted to go to America, I have cousins in America as well. I just wanted to travel, study and play soccer,” he explained.

Going to the US, Demetri believes he’ll have “more opportunity” to progress as a soccer player, as well as experiencing a different level of football.

The young talent is excited to see where he stands against the high standard of football over in the states, “and then advance through that,” he said.

Demetri is also excited to “meet new people, and see different personalities”, as well as gain a world-class education in the sport science field.

In order to achieve these goals, signing with NSR has made Dimitri focus his energy into putting himself in the best position possible before receiving US college offers.

“I have concentrated more on my health and fitness, and put my head down to get better at soccer,” he shared.

You’re definitely on the right track, Demetri! You get what you put in!