Becca PaneDebbie Pane reveals she has absolutely no qualms about sending her daughter overseas to commit to her sporting and academic goals. Mother to hockey prospect Rebecca Pane (VIC), shares her excitement and hopes for her daughter, in an exclusive interview with NSR Australia.

Debbie reveals that she’s personally known athletes that have gone through the US collegiate route, in order to pursue their sporting dreams.

“No one I know has been, has not had a wonderful time, or thought it wasn’t great,” she explained.

“I think the whole college system in America is a great experience, it’s something we don’t have anything like it here, which is a pity I think.”

Debbie is excited for what the experience will bring her daughter, not only in terms of her academic and sporting growth.

“Their horizons can become much broader, their ideas can be broadened and their experiences can be broadened. I think it just rounds them out as a person as well as the ‘fun’ aspect of it,” she explained.

“The exposure is good for them, and it makes them appreciate their own country and what’s happening here, and hopefully opens their eyes to more worldly issues and things,” Debbie explained.

Technological advancements in global, instantaneous communication also act to ease Debbie’s mind about being apart from her children.

“I’ve got two other kids that’ve done a little bit of travelling overseas, and I guess that every day they can be in touch witn you on Skype, or Viber, or whatever they want to use.  You don’t go, ‘Oh my gosh, they’ve over in Italy, I don’t know what they’re doing, I wonder if they’re safe!’. Straight away you know what’s going on, whether they’re okay, it’s great these days. It takes the scariness away from it,” she explained.

Although it’s completely normal for some parents to feel some separation anxiety from their beloved children when they leave for the States, Debbie explains that she’s fine with the situation on the proviso that her daughter is being cared for.

“I don’t have any issues with her travelling overseas to live for a while.  Idon’thave any problem with that at all, as long as you know that where they’re staying, there’s someone caring for them and watching out for their overall well-being. In the college system, I feel if you’ve picked your college well and it’s a good match for the student and the college, it should be fine. There shouldn’t be any problems,” she explained.

Ever calm and excited, Debbie explains she doesn’t “freak out at all” about the situation.

“I think it’s a really good opportunity. I think it can only help them in their own personal growth and development, their passion, their sport, their other ideas. It might even show them new ideas, what’s out there. As long as you can keep in touch, and these days it’s not an issue.”

WOW. We are loving these positive vibes! NSR parents, who loved hearing Debbie’s happy outlook?