jaydan messina


NSR is thrilled to announce a new football signing, Jaydan Messina (NSW)! Check out our Q&A with our superstar here:

Why are you excited to start your NSR EXPERIENCE?

I am excited about going over to the USA and learning new skills  and improve what I already have gain over here Australia, being able to go to another country and play the sport I love and as well being able to study the stuff that I want, is really an amazing experience.

What do you hope to gain out of it?

I hope to gain new experiences, new friends, as well as maybe a job somewhere down the track to make it seem to others like a dream job to have.

What excites you about living in America?

Hoping I go to a collage somewhere close to some of my American friends and to meet them in person, as well go out with them in America. Hopefully when the winter comes around I can do some snowboarding over in America.

What will you be studying?

I will be studying either voice over for cartoons, or something in video games like video game Reviewing/Testing.


Wow, that’s not an answer we hear every day! Go for it, Jaydan!