UntitledRoneil Kumar (NSW), brother of Camden County College’s Shane Kumar, chats with NSR about his impending departure to the US this August. Feeling greatly excited about his trip, Roneil highly anticipates having the opportunity to play soccer and attend college at the same time. Prompted by shows such as Crime Scene Investigation and Criminal Minds, the young NSR athlete plans to study forensic science at college, a unique, yet interesting choice!

Currently Roneil is developing his physical fitness level to ensure that he is fully prepared for the soccer competition in the US. Sporting a busy training schedule, Roneil trains with his soccer team on Tuesday and Thursdays, runs on Wednesday and plays soccer matches on Saturday through to Sunday! Having an older brother who has pioneered the college sporting lifestyle serves as a great advantage to Roneil. He has the insight into what to expect from the level of competition on the field and in the classroom. Understanding that college soccer in the US is far from what it is in Australia, Shane has explained that spectators have a greater passion for the college sport.

Roneil has his mind fixed on developing his soccer skills and obtaining the best grades possible during freshman year. It is evident that this young athlete shows incredible drive, determination and ambition as he heads over to the US this August.