IMG_9685NSR sat down with John McDowell, father of NSR prospect Cayne McDowell to chat about his experience raising an athlete and the programme that he has with the help of his Club, Mindil Aces FC, which is set up for the locals in the Northern Territory. After playing soccer for many years as a goal keeper, John has passed on his love of the game to, not only his son Cayne, but has tried to encourage players and support the sport within the Northern Territory.

Introducing Cayne to the game at the age of 5, John has been a major influence in the soccer development of this young soccer star. Having a passion for getting involved with the process and becoming an influencing factor in the athlete’s future, John gains his reward in seeing local athletes succeed. Telling of Cayne’s development recently and describing Cayne’s game as going from strength to strength. Currently Cayne plays in the Under 21 age team and in the Men’s Premier League for the Mindil Aces as a starting player. Cayne trains twice a week with each team and every day on his own. Additionally, he plays 2 games a week, one with the under 21s team and one with the Men’s premier League team. John goes on to explain that Cayne is also a runner in his leisure which goes to develop his speed and endurance on the soccer field.

From a parent’s stance, John encourages Cayne to constantly learn and develop his skills as a football player. Taking part in the COERVER coaching programme, an individualised programme that allowed Cayne to form his initial soccer skills was a huge shaping factor that has developed Cayne into the talented soccer player he is today. Recently Cayne has travelled as part of the first Northern Territory team to play in the Kanga Cup in 2011 and also toured around the UK and Whales in 2013. This not only allowed Cayne to expand his soccer knowledge and experience, but also developed his sense of adventure in the midst of travelling to various parts of the world.  Between now and his departure to the US in 2017, Cayne plans to further develop his skills on the field and in the classroom. John goes on to highlight the idea that the academic side of the college placement is just as important as the athletic side.

John with the backing of Mindil Aces FC, has taken advantage of the opportunities that NSR has to offer to provide kids with the opportunity to pursue a pathway in soccer that would not otherwise have been readily available to them. John envisions a future of holding trials for companies such as NSR to provide the next step to student athletes with the vehicle to develop their sporting passion and attend college in the US “…NSR is a massive cog in that wheel. They provide student athletes with opportunities that they would not get otherwise. Is it for everybody? Probably not, but unless they are exposed to the opportunity, they are never going to know…”

NSR wishes Cayne good luck with his preparation for his departure to the US. Additionally, we congratulate John in making a movement with Northern Territory soccer community, providing athletes with the opportunity to further their soccer dreams. Be sure to keep an eye open for a future check in with the McDowell family.