brittany barrettWhen did you get involved in hockey?

I played one season when I was about 6, this was just after my dad bought me my first stick. I had a 3 year break to play soccer. Then I came to my senses and came back to play hockey when I was 10. So all together I’ve been playing for about 8 years.

What position do you play?

I’ve played fullback since I started and in the last four years I’ve started to play goalkeeper. For my current club team I play goalkeeper one week and fullback the next, and for school I play goalkeeper.

Why do you love the game?

I love hockey because almost everyone on my dad’s side of the family plays, so I was introduced to it at a young age. I have such a big interest in it because it’s fun and not overly competitive like other sports, and it’s a game that anyone pretty much any age from any background can play and I love that.

Why did you want to get involved in NSR?

I got involved with NSR because I thought it could be a great experience and I could learn some new things. I felt that even if I didn’t get in I was still going to learn a lot of great stuff at the trial that could really help me with my hockey.

How did you feel before trailing?

I was a bit nervous and kind of thought that I wasn’t going to get in because I hadn’t really done a lot of rep stuff, and thought that there were going to be people there that had and had a better chance of getting in than I did.

Describe your reaction to finding out you had been accepted?

A lot of people say they can’t believe it and that was pretty much me, but when it sank in that I’d got in I was stoked! I was really happy because I knew that I’d done my best at the trial and that evidently the selectors thought so as well.

Why are you excited to go to the USA to study and play your sport?

The fact that I get to go to another country to play the sport I love and study the course of my choice is amazing. I’m excited because it’s something not a lot of people get to do and I know that it’s going to be a great life experience that I’ll remember for a long time.

What would you want to study when you go?

I’ll probably follow in my mum and dad’s footsteps and study teaching. I’m thinking of becoming a drama teacher or just something to do with acting.

What are the three top things you can’t wait to experience living in the US?

I went to America when I was 10 so I’m excited to see more of the US. Living on campus and campus life, because I feel like it’s going to be a lot different to Australian life. Doing a whole lot of different extra-curricular activities because I also play softball, and of course playing hockey!!

Sounds like you’ve got it sorted, Brittany! There’s definitely some amazing times ahead for you.