trezise fam

We caught up with NSR father, Luke Trezise, who talks with pride about his incredible golfer son, Nicholas (VIC)!

Luke shares his hopes for his son:

“We wish Nick to get the experience of a lifetime,” Luke said on behalf of him and his wife.

“Nick is a flamboyant personality with big hopes and big dreams and we expect him to take this opportunity with both hands and enjoy what the U.S has to offer.”

After signing with NSR late last year, the proud father admits he can already see a difference in his son.

“The journey so far has given him a focus on both golf and education,” Luke says.

Luke shares that his son has “a real passion for the golf industry” which even extends to an interest in studying horticulture, aimed at the “golf course maintenance stream”.

Of course, Luke admits that “golf itself” has been his “driving force” over the years, with his son constantly working on his game and “striving to get the best out of himself.”

“NSR have been a real motivator over this period with a goal to achieve and that is to get to the States,” he says.

“Nick is a real self-motivator and I am sure he will do us, and NSR, proud.”

We definitely agree with you, Luke!