Greg Purvis, father of newly signed NSR hockey athlete Emily Purvis, explained that the NSR opportunity came at a “surprise”.

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“To, be honest we had not heard about NSR or the programs you offer until the letter for the ‘try out’ came in the mail so it is still sinking in,” he admitted.


Despite the thought of missing their daughter when she leaves for the U.S, Greg and his wife Rachel made a decision.


“Although both Rachel and I will miss Emily dearly, we agreed, if offered a position we would not stand in her way,” he said.


“I am extremely excited as well as apprehensive about her going away and how all of us will cope.”

The proud father admitted that the whole looming period of change will be made easier with constant communication within the family.


“In today’s world with the technology available these days it won’t seem like she is half way around the world,” he said.


Greg admits that there are definitely perks to his daughter fulfilling her dreams half way across the world, adding cheekily, “It will also give Rachel and myself an excuse to travel!”


Ultimately, Greg knows that his family has made the right decision.


“I believe the experiences she will have while in the USA will go a long way to set her up for life, not only athletically and academically, but also professionally.”


What a great insight, Greg! Thank you!