Ishka BlessIshka has been constantly moving since she was little, in a variety of sports.

The talented young athlete had participated in taekwondo for eight years, as well as completing triathlons since Year Nine.

Once she got to Year 11, she began running to balance out her HSC studies.

“I joined the athletics club, and got really into it, and now it’s a big passion for me,” she shared.

“I was always good at running when I was younger. When I started athletics, I realised I was pretty good,” she admitted.

Ishka runs anywhere from 3,000m to 21km runs and marathons, yet her true passion lies in cross-country.

“I’m a very competitive person, so I thought, ‘I wonder how fast I can get, and how much better I can get?’, so I just kept taking that, and got faster and better,” she said.

“I just want to keep doing that, and see where it takes me.”

This mentality proved effective, and in her first year of long-distance running, Ishka made the State team for the 3,000m.

Ishka lists this achievement, and signing with NSR as her greatest sporting highlights thus far.

“Getting to compete on a cross-country team in America is pretty exciting, and I think it’ll be good for me. With school, I haven’t been able to pursue as much as I’d like,” she said.

Ishka greatly wanted another opportunity to go overseas, after completing an exchange program to Italy in Year 10.

“I had the experience of being on a team overseas, and I absolutely loved it,” she said.

Ishka can’t wait to go to the U.S, “where they take cross country running quite seriously”.

“There, it’s a huge thing and there’s so many opportunities. There’s probably nothing better I can do for my running and sport than to go over there, and I do value my education a lot. It was also an opportunity to get a good education and focus on that,” she said.

The young talent lists running in the forest area in Virginia at the top of her list of American experiences she can’t wait for, claiming it’s “been a dream” of hers since a child.

“That’s one of my favourite things, running in the bush here. And I think being able to run over there without all the snakes and stuff will be nice!” she said.

What keeps this determined young athlete constantly pushing the limits?

Ishka explains that she tells herself, “’I’ve got the opportunity, I’m healthy, and I’m young… Why not take every opportunity you get.’”

What an AMAZING outlook in life to have. Keep on beating those goals, Ishka!