IMG_0446When did you first get in to athletics?

I first got into athletics in grade six, so that would have been about 2007. It was actually during state cross country. None of the coaches really knew who I was in Tassie, but they kept coming up to me to say that they loved my running style, and they wanted to coach me.

So you started in running, did you then explore other areas of athletics?

I really enjoyed cross country, and middle distance athletics on the track. The main event that I do now isthe 3km steeple chase, which is the big one I’m training for at the moment and enjoy cross country season during winter. I just love the environment of athletics.

What do you do for fun when you’re not training?

Probably just hang out with friends. I currently live in a share house so I do a fair bit with friends. I’m from Tassie, but I live in Bendigo at the moment which was a bit of a change!

What’s been your proudest achievement to date?

It was probably in Year eight when I won my first national silver medal in the 2km steeplechase and then 2 silvers at the beginning of year 9 for 3km and the 2km steeple. I was also recognised in Year 10, for my dedication in the sport receiving the sportsmanship award for Athletics south which I was proud of.

How has being with NSR changed your life?

I’ve always wanted to travel, and it’s been great working with the team at NSR because they’ve really helped with getting in contact with colleges, and it’d just be great to travel and do the sport that I love over in another country.

What are you looking forward to studying?

I currently do health at University of La Trobe, so I’d definitely be staying in the health area, I am hoping to head into the physio field.

What’s one of the things you’re most looking forward to about going to the U.S.A? 

The experience of traveling and competing in another country would definitely be a highlight. It would be a lot different to what I am use to but I’m looking forward to the challenge.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I’d definitely hope I’m still in the sport and competing in a high level and improving my personal best and techniques.