AARON NIYONKURUWhen do you leave: Around the 23rd of July.

What college have you officially committed to: Camden County Community College, in Camden County.

When did you start playing soccer: Since I was young, six years old.

Why did you want to get involved in NSR?  Because I want to play professionally. I really love the game and I want to play professional, I want to see how far I can take my game.

What are you hoping to get out of the whole experience? I mean it’s a different environment, and I just want to see how things work over there, with the coaching. I want to improve myself, and make new friends, and learn new things.

To come out as a better person. Set my goal high, and improve. My whole purpose of why I’m going is to improve. So I can get into MLS. I want to work as hard as I can, so I can get into the MLS.

If you could play for any soccer team in the world, who would it be? I would definitely want to play for Manchester United.

What are your academic plans while you’re there? I’m studying construction technology.

What can’t you wait to experience in the US? I haven’t been there before. I haven’t seen snow, and that’s something to look forward to.

I haven’t really spoken to many American people. In Australia we have different accents and stuff. In six months, I might be speaking like them! Because I’ll be socialising with them and making new friends with them.

Sounds great, Aaron! We think it’d be pretty cool if you came back with an American accent!