NSR Australia answers your most pressing questions!

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Q1. Does my child have to take bedding to the US?

We advise against packing bedding for two reasons:

  1. It will take up precious space and weight in your suitcase
  2. There are specific sheets that can be purchased that are fit for specific college dorm beds. If you do choose to ring your own sheets, there is no guarantee that they will fit the bed.

We recommend purchasing the bedding from manchester shops including; Wallmart, Kmart or Target. If you go into these shops and ask specifically for college dorm sheets, the assistant will know what you are talking about.


Q2. Will my child’s essential documents be safe?

College dorms are incredibly safe, locks are provided to ensure that belongings are kept secure. We recommend keeping all files together in a draw where they can be easily accessed. Every college campus has a number of resident assistants and additional campus security to ensure that both your child and his belongings are kept safe during his stay.

In the interest of being fully prepared we recommend you to scan your child’s passport and other important documents in the event that they are lost. Photocopying these important documents ensures that it is a great deal easier getting these documents replaced should the worst happen.