Brittanny MacNabBrittanny Macnab (WA) has been involved in hockey since the age of three or four, before developing a love for being in right in the action, inside the goals at age 10.

 Since then, Brittanny explains that she’s “always finding another reason” to love the game.

“Most of my friendship group comes from a hockey community, and I’ve made some friends I know I’ll keep for life,” she said.

Brittanny also loves the team-work nature of being involved in a hockey team.

“I enjoy going through the process with my team – it makes winning so much more rewarding, and you push yourself harder because you know the person standing next to you is doing the same for you,” she said.

Brittanny shares that the thing she loves about hockey the most is the “special bond” it’s created with her family.

“My Dad taught me basically everything I know about hockey, and he’s a goalkeeper himself. Mum is always there for support and encouragement, and did a lot of late night and early morning training runs,” she said.

It’s awesome to hear you have so much support, Brittanny!