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And the countdown begins for Mitchell Osmond (NSW) who has just committed to Calumet College of St. Joseph, a quality program that sits on the shores of Lake Michigan and right outside of the CBD of Chicago.


Mitchell has been a keen candidate since day one, after signing onto the NSR program this past February. He knew from the day that he signed that he didn’t want to wait until the August 2015 intake to go over and set his sights for this January. With his determination and tenacity, his goal turned to a reality and Mitchell is now in the process of finalising his application and planning his trip.


mitchellresumeMitchell described that when he received the offer call from Head Prospect Manager, Matt Wade, he was “really pumped.” He was extremely excited to hear about the program and what it had to offer. Mitchell didn’t waste any time after and contacted Head Coach, Justin Olson right away. He described his initial contact with coach as “unreal” and “every bit of contact has been brilliant.” He appreciated the fact that Coach Olson was an upfront kind of guy and had Mitchell’s best interest in mind. Mitchell recalls the first time he and his new coach-to-be Skyped. Accommodating with the time difference, Mitchell, along with his parents, stayed up past midnight to meet his coach and laughed as he recalled that he had to be up at 4am that morning for work. Looks like the lack of sleep was worth it as Mitchell knew right after that Calumet was the school for him!


Mitchell is no amateur when it comes to travelling around the world alone and he looks forward to heading over to his new home for the next 4 years this January. He hopes to go as far as he can go with school and sport and doesn’t plan on wasting this opportunity. When asked what he looks forward to most about the states, he replied with cold weather and immersing himself into a different culture. We weren’t sure if we heard him correctly – cold weather!? Yes, cold weather, as he is excited to see the snow, especially around New Years!


As we concluded our chat, Mitchell described the NSR process as “brilliant”, especially with all the help from Matt Wade. Matt has “gone that extra mile and always keeps in touch.”

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Mitchell plans to have a nice dinner with his family the night before he departs and looks forward in inviting all his friends over for a little going away party. Looks like packing has been put on the back burner until the morning of!


Good luck Mitchell and we cannot wait to see how you go at Calumet!