nathan wilsonNathan Wilson discovered his love for soccer at an early age. Starting in an Under-6 team when he was “four or five”, Nathan has committed to the game ever since.

Nathan shares that he loves the “variety” of the game, claiming it’s “not so straight up like all the other sports.”

On signing with NSR, Nathan believes the experience has changed him.

“I was pretty stoked to be honest, at the same time it made me wake up and sort of realise that’s what I wanted to do, and to do well at it,” he said.

Nathan is extremely excited to get his American journey underway, for a variety of reasons.

“Besides the soccer it’d have to be the experience. Getting out there on your own as an individual, getting into to college, it’s all pretty exciting to be honest,” he said.

“What better thing to do than get a backup plan with a degree and have fun travelling overseas, and at the same time playing soccer! They’re sort of just extras on top of getting to play soccer somewhere else,” he said.

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves, Nathan! Good luck on this amazing journey!