fulbrook familyNat Fullbrook (NSW), is about to depart for Lake Tahoe Community College.

Although hugely excited for the journey that awaits for her son, Julie Fullbrook explains that for her, the adventure has been an emotional rollercoaster.

Much to the opposite of her very cavalier and relaxed son, Julie Fullbrook has some nerves about the adventure her son is about to go on.

“One day I cry, next day I don’t,” Julie laughs.

“Some days I just think, just get over there and get it over and done with, and other days I think are we doing the right thing?” she said.

Julie admits that for her, she’s experiencing mixed feelings, but her son is “so casual about it all.”

“He’s just such a casual kid. He doesn’t sort of show too much emotion towards it. I’m super organised, and he’s like, ‘Nah, chill out, stress less, it’s all good…’” she said.

Whereas her son is extremely relaxed about the whole process, Julie explains she hasn’t displayed the same attitude.

“I’ve got a folder with all his important documents started,” she said.

“I’ve got to cut the umbilical cord, really soon!” she joked.

The self-confessed “control-freak” admits she thinks she’s “struggling” because she has always taken it upon herself to do “all that sort of stuff”.

Although Julie experiences stress from time-to-time, ultimately she trusts her son will ride through the process without any hitches.

“He’s always been the type of kid that nothing bothers him, and if he’s going to do it, he’s going to do it.  He just gets through,” she explained.

Anxiousness aside, Julie can’t wait for her son to gain this incredible life experience.

“If he stays and pursues it and travels the world after that, then so be it. If he finds that it’s not for him and comes home after 12 months or two years, then that’s also fine as well. I think he needs to and experience the whole thing,” she said.

“It’s an amazing opportunity for kids. How often does it come up? Regardless of what the outcome, I think he needs to go and experience the whole thing.”

We are SURE there’s plenty of other mum’s that can relate to you, Julie! Thanks for the insight!