Tina Lanza runs stairs at Camp Randall Stadium during Ron Carda's kinesiology marathon training class. © UW-Madison University Communications  608/262-0067 Photo by:  Jeff Miller Date:  04/01     File#:   color slide

SLEEP: Sleep deprivation is negatively related to GPA! On average, those who pull all-nighters usually have a lower GPA. Anything less than 5 hours is considered sleep deprivation.

SMELL: To calm down, take a sniff of certain scents like lavender, cypress, and rosemary. These scents are proven to aid concentration and reduce stress.

senses picEAT: Vitamin B to aid in memory and concentration (milk, yoghurt and kidney beans)
Folate to aid brain function (spinach)
Protein to aid alertness and concentration (fish, chicken, eggs and tofu)
Iron to help with concentration and energy (eggs, red meat, sardines)

TOUCH: A massage can relax muscles, improve circulation, and positively affects the mind.

SIGHT: Keep it clean! A cluttered working environment will induce anxiousness

EXERCISE: Exercise releases endorphins that improve your mood and decrease health problems

ATTITUDE: An emotional cry releases stress-related chemicals like adrenaline, from your system.