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As NSR prepares to send the next wave of athletes to colleges over in the US, we endeavour to answer questions regarding the preparation for the big trip. Parent of soccer player, Fergus Bunn (Vic), Robert shares his insight and experiences with sending his son over to the US.

  1. How important is it to adequately prepare your child for the trip to the US?

Robert explains the essential nature to prepare your athlete mentally for the move in terms of independence and travel tips. There are a wide range of elements that may need to be considered, particularly if your child is not well travelled. Robert shares with NSR that they encouraged Fergus to embrace independence prior to his trip to the US. This has been greatly beneficial to him as reflected through his success and organisational skills throughout his time at college.

(For a list of more tips and hints keep your eyes open for NSR’s interview with our own Dana Tamos!)

  1. What was the most time consuming part of the organisation process?

The most time consuming process according to Robert was the administration process whilst collecting documents for both Fergus’ visa and educational transcripts. On average, it takes about 3 months from obtaining the documents to processing the visa.

Whilst it can be a lengthy process, it is vital that a prospect takes the necessary steps in completing the admissions process. Because the process can include some waiting from the other end in the US, it is important to stay on top of all paperwork and NSR is always here to help.

Please note that the time of this process is different for each individual.

  1. Although it is important to pack all of the necessary items within their suitcase, how important is it to prepare them emotionally and mentally for the moving out process?

Preparing your athlete mentally for the moving out process is the key to a smooth transition into college life. Robert encourages independence as it allows for the athlete to think for themselves so as to further develop their planning and organisational skills.

  1. If you were able to go back in time and change one part of your preparation, what would you change and why?

Organising documents, such as the visa application and educational transcripts, can be a daunting task; however, Robert explains “… the process would have been far easier, had they stayed on top of the paperwork…” The key is not to be complacent or pragmatic about the paperwork. Maintain an organised attitude, and the process is bound to progress with ease!

  1. Emotions are also difficult for parents letting their kids go- What do advice do you give other parents about to go through the same experience?

Robert explains that parents must remember the unique opportunity that has been presented for their child to develop their current sporting skills, along with receiving a great college experience.

In addition, athletes have the opportunity to visit home between semesters.

  1. Since your child has moved to the US, what steps do you take to ensure that your child remains adequately prepared?

Skype has become a major medium of communication between Fergus and his family. Having the ability to see and chat to Fergus ensured that Robert and the family maintains in contact.