Would you like to go to a school that is older than the Australia? Australia only became an Independent country in 1901, until then it was still part of the British Empire. This school was founded in 1868 and is the flagship school for its nine other sister schools.

There is more to this school than just history though, there is sport. While they haven’t been as successful as one their sister schools they are still up there in terms of number of championships won and current professional and ex athletes.

The schools colours are blue and gold with a golden bear as their mascot. They are located in Oakland California. They have won 33 National Team Championships and 156 Individual National Championships. They are a school well known for their strength in the Pool.

Current and ex athletes have done great things at the Olympics having won 158 medals in total (90 gold, 40 Silver and 28 Bronze). Some of their alumni include; Aaron Rodgers, Jason Kidd, Jeff Kent, Natalie Coughlin, Joy Fawcett, Alex Morgan, Dana Vollmer and Missy Franklin. The school is the University of California Berkley.
