CONNOR JIMMIESONWhen did you get involved in soccer?
I started getting into playing when I was 11, in my school team, then I began getting a little more involved when I joined club football at 14.

What position do you play?

I’m usually played as an ‘out-and-out winger’, but I have a great deal of fun playing anywhere in the centre of midfield.

What’s your dream career?

If my career does not lie in playing football, my aim is to follow through with my studies in exercise and sport science and specialise as either a sports nutritionist or clinical exercise physiologist, or even follow a coaching pathway – all of which I would love to be involved in a professional football team.

What’s your dream team to play for and why?

I would love to play for any team in Germany, the overall quality of the football, facilities and the way the sport is structured in that country is incredible – and it would be a brilliant place to live as well!

Why were you interested in getting involved into NSR and taking your soccer/study overseas?

It’s been a long-held aspiration of mine to travel overseas for purposes of studying, sport or living, so when the opportunity was provided to me, I had to jump at it.  Living overseas, especially playing the sport I love whilst studying what I want, in a completely different environment will allow me to grow and mature greater than if I was to stay at home as I’ll be facing greater challenges.

What do you hope to get out of this whole experience?

It will be a huge learning experience for me, and I’ll hope challenge and vastly improve myself in both a physical and academic sense – whilst making loads of friends and connections around the world.

Wow, we’re loving your attitude, Connor! We are so happy to have you on the NSR team!

wanna play college sport