Brittany KeenBrittany Keen (WA) has had a love of field hockey from a young age, but didn’t get involved in the sport until grade 5 at school, after a suggestion from her mother’s friend.

“I had played soccer every year up until that point but then I decided I wanted a change. This is when I played my first season of hockey and I’ve never looked back,” she said.

The young talent became addicted to the tough nature of the sport.

“It’s not an easy game and it’s a contact sport. You have to work together as a team to get a goal and it makes the goal that little bit more special,” she said.

“I love hockey because it makes me really happy playing it. I love the sound of the ball hitting the back board. Everything about it just makes it the best sport in the world!”

Brittany’s dream to pursue hockey after high-school lead her to join NSR.

“I joined NSR because they can help me achieve my dreams of going to college in America playing sports I love. They are well known and I believe they can help me get there,” she said.

The young talent can’t wait to travel to the US, to expand her hockey skills by doing “more training”.

Brittany is also excited to get her education underway, and plans to fuse her love of sport with her education and study podiatry.

Ultimately, Brittany is extremely excited to soak up her college experience.

“I’m probably the most excited about the college itself. America is so well known for their big colleges and their pep rallies and just their enthusiasm towards college sport,” she said.

“I’m also really excited about the food. I’ve always wanted to try a corn dog at a baseball game and get a big foam finger! The last thing I’m really excited about is the snow. Since it doesn’t snow here in Perth, I’m hoping I get to see some snow sometime,” she said.

Brittany explains she’s “really pumped to see what the future holds.”

“I can’t wait to get started,” she said.

We are pumped for you, Brittany!