akua nsiahWhy are you excited to start your NSR experience?
NSR is like a big family and everyone is so friendly and open. I feel excited to know that through every step of the way I will experience guidance. I feel that the world is so big and to have the opportunity to experience a new lifestyle and culture excites me. I’m excited to grow as a person, to train in state of the art facilities and to study something I enjoy.

What do you hope to gain out of it?

I hope to gain life skills. I hope to grow as a person through the college/university experience. I hope to become more independent and to trust in myself & my abilities. I hope to become someone that perseveres in even the toughest moments and through adversity to come out strong. It will be different not seeing my family everyday but I hope that in a new environment I can flourish. I hope that the new relationships that I form will last a lifetime. Last but not least, I hope that whatever I choose to study will be relevant and provide me with the skills that I need.
What excites you about living in America?
I’ve always dreamed about living in America; their culture and love of sport excites me. Having a roommate and living in a dorm sounds like so much fun! The thing that excites me the most is that I will be able to study, train and live in the same area. How cool is that?! I would love to watch an NBA game! I guess it’s a combination of lots of small experiences that excites me! Living in a country with so much history and talent excites me a lot and I can’t wait!

What will you be studying?
I would like to study a Bachelor of Arts and major in Sociology or a business related subject such as Economics but I’m really open minded to all subjects 🙂

wanna play college sport