

Sending Footage to NSR Australia

Send all your footage and prospect worksheets at the same time… Keep copies of footage and worksheets at home.

We have had instances where post is not delivered to us especially when from remote locations. We strongly advise information is send via tracking / express post.

  1. All footage must be submitted no later than JUNE 20th of each year ( or the date specified by your NSR rep) in order for all videos to be completed.
  2. All footage must only be on DVD or USB stick
  3. Videos must either be in MP4 format or MOV format. We can talk you through this conversion process over the phone.
  4. All videos MUST HAVE A TIME SHEET – a shot list of highlights and time codes in which they occurred. This does not have to be every time the player touches the ball, but successful moments that they would like a coach to see. I.e goals, shots, successful tackles, for basketball, unless you lose the ball then any possession is considered for the shot list – we like to see where the ball goes if you make a pass – we also need the full goal or basket to be in shot as well.

Keeping to the above requirements will ensure your video is edited immediately and ensures you have the final say of what you actually want a college coach to see.

Stayed tuned for the final part in this blog series which focuses on maximizing your exposure through your NSR player profile.