c79f93d8-e5c4-4e97-af1c-523207ad4096You’ve studied all your material, taken practice exams, and feel like you’re ready to take on your exams.

When there’s nothing left to study, what kind of things can you be doing to make sure you’ll be at your best on exam day? Look no further! Follow these tips to make sure you’re putting yourself in the best position possible to excel!

  • Make a check-list to make sure you have everything you need to bring into the exam: e.g pens, watch, high-lighters and water bottle
  • Eat protein!
    Your brain communicates with itself with the help of amino acids, of which are plentiful in protein-rich foods! Protein will also increase alertness.
  • Don’t cram
    If you get a better night’s sleep, you will wake up feeling alert and fresh
  • Make sure you set an alarm for the next day
    Even two, if you’re prone to sleeping in!
  • Take time out to do something enjoyable
    Watch a movie, read a book or spend time with friends and family! You’ll feel more relaxed.