Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 9.53.36 pmNSR sat down with Saleshni, mother of Shane (FNSW) and Roneil Kumar (FNSW), to chat about her experience with sending not one, but two sons, to Camden County College in August. Eldest son, Shane, has been in the US for a year and has returned home temporarily for summer holidays. Shane plans to travel back to the US with his brother as his newest travelling companion, this August.

Saleshni tells of Shane’s excitement and desire to adventure over to the US. Roneil was at first hesitant; however, showed great enthusiasm once Shane had shared his experiences with his younger brother. Roneil attending the same school as Shane serves as a great motivating factor for Roneil. Maintaining contact with the boy’s Prospect Manager, Matt Wade, Saleshni is assured that both of her sons are well cared for by the head coach at Camden County College “…Matt is a really good manager, If I have any questions I ask him and he assures me that coach is looking after the boys really well…”

Saleshni details Shane’s noticeable growth and personal development since living overseas. Shane’s independence and self discipline has grown incredibly since returning from overseas; thriving in an environment where he must take initiative to do things himself has served him well.

As their departure date creeps closer, Saleshni shares her advice that she has given Shane and will pass on to Roneil. Both Shane and Roneil must endeavour to do their best both on the field and in the classroom. Study is just as important as playing, regardless of the outcome of their soccer career, both Shane and Roneil will have a College degree to fall back on. In order to live a good life here in Australia in our day and age, a tertiary certificate is absolutely paramount. Shane and Roneil have been provided with a unique opportunity to follow the sport that they have loved from a young age. Saleshni details of the hard work that she and her husband have undergone in order to provide both of their sons with this opportunity  “…It’s an investment that we’re are doing for both of them, it is our hard work that we put in to allow them this opportunity…”

Despite the fact that both of her sons will be on the other side of the world, Saleshni details of her intentions to contact Shane and Roneil every day via Facebook messenger. Every morning Saleshni will send a message to Shane so as to know that he is safe and happy. Facebook messenger serves as a great communication tool, Shane will receive the message in the afternoon and Saleshni receives live updates on her son’s daily plans “…it makes my day better knowing that they are safe and happy…”

NSR awaits the impending departure of Shane and Roneil Kumar to Camden County College this August. We congratulate Saleshni and the Kumar family on raising two incredibly talented athletes. We look forward to checking in with Shane and Roneil prior to their departure.