IMG_1857Young athlete Bryson Patman (NSW) told NSR about the path he has taken to chase his dreams of pursuing a baseball scholarship to the US. Encouraged by his father to take up a summer sport, Bryson searched for a sport that he enjoyed playing. After attempting other sports, including that of soccer and basketball, Bryson fell into baseball by chance. After winning a baseball grand final, at the age of 13, with his under 14 team; Bryson decided to refine his baseball skills in his pursuit of a college scholarship. Playing mostly an outer field position during baseball games, Bryson’s history as a track and field athlete allows him to maintain speed and stamina throughout the entire game.

Bryson explains to NSR that being presented with a scholarship opportunity has opened up endless doors of possibility to him that would otherwise not be possible “…my parents are excited to have allowed me the opportunity to study and pursue my passion for baseball in the US…”

Currently, Bryson is working tirelessly to develop his baseball skills, along with his academic results in anticipation for his trip to the US in 2018. Living by his life motto “If at first you fail, try again until you succeed” Bryson is a driven, ambitious athlete to keep an eye out for!