Photo on Bridge

With many of our NSR athletes heading to college over in the states soon, we thought we would give NSR soccer athlete, Alyce Correia (WA) (who is smashing it overseas by the way at William Penn University) a call to get our athletes pumped for their big move. Alyce originally received an invitation to trials and disregarded it; it was only because her Mum told her it was worth going to that she actually went. Now Alyce says the past two years she has spent in America has been the best years of her life. So, here are Alyce’s five favourite things about college that you will all get to look forward to.

#5: The Culture

So, even though we speak English in Australia and America, culturally both countries are far from similar. From the food to the accents, everything is so different. It is so cool going out and being in class where people stop you and tell you that they love your accent. They’ll even make you say random words for them like, “ball, bull and bowl” and start laughing because they believe our accent makes all those words sound the same.

Did you just try and say ball, bull and bowl?

#4: The Independence

Being away from home and family was one of the things that I was most afraid of. Now, I embrace the independence as I can do whatever I want. I recently moved off campus and it has been the greatest decision I have made. Being able to live in my own house even in a different country is so great. I am 19, have my own house and have the freedom to make my own decisions! This has matured me in ways that only attending college overseas can.

#3: The Training

Daily soccer training is something that I used to only dream of, now, it’s a dream come true. Being able to see your teammates every day, while you learn and practice new skills is definitely one of my favourite things.

#2: Playing Soccer

Playing soccer in America is very different than playing in Australia. I quickly realised that Americans do things a lot different than us Aussies…

  • Americans have athletic trainers
  • They call bibs ‘pennies’
  • Refer to their coach as ‘coach’
  • Tell you to ‘shag your ball’ (meaning to ‘go get’). I was quickly informed of this when my team mates saw the shocked expression on my face after being told by my coach to go shag my ball. Also college sports are taken very seriously in America and college athletes are treated like professionals. The level of play is so much higher and you can gain so much more experience if you just put the effort in.

NSR Photo, Jaymie and I#1: The College Experience

If you ever have the opportunity to attend any college in the United States I definitely recommend that you grab it with both hands. Being at college is an experience that you have to accomplish yourself to fully understand why so many people love it. From the parties to the dorms and even to the cafeteria food, it is so different from anything else. Being at a college where everyone on campus is roughly my age with the majority of students also athletes, it is such an awesome atmosphere to be a part of.

So all in all, moving may be scary, but moving is also exciting! Try to focus your minds more so on the positive things that you will experience. It won’t be like having a typical great day here, it will make you learn and wonder, as it is an experience like no other.