1. What brings you to the US early?

11707491_926273150768764_1735729238876030785_nI decided to travel to the U.S. early so that I can have a look around at the other states and also get use to the American lifestyle.

Talking to my coach and a few of the players over in the U.S. already, they say that it is hard to get use to and equip yourself if you fly over on the day you start. So a holiday was definitely needed! I have travelled over with my Dad and my younger 16 year old brother; they wanted to see the U.S. just as much as I do!

  1. What are you doing whilst you are there?

11738040_924288687633877_7442845439988104024_nDuring my 3 week holiday that I am here for before I start college, so far I have been to Las Vegas to watch the NBA Summer Season League Games, saw the Hoover Dam, and some parts of the edge of The Grand Canyon, we walked down the Vegas Strip and also went through Caesars Palace.

In San Francisco we went through the center of the city and also travelled across the Golden Gate Bridge. Now being back in LA and Californian Cities we have been to Anaheim and the Disneyland, Disney Adventure Parks. We have been to Santa Monica and Venice, and lastly Long Beach. Now we are in Hollywood heading out tomorrow to see the Universal Studios and other bigger sites throughout LA maybe even drive to Santa Cruz.

  1. Is this your first time to the US? If so, how has it been? What is different?

This is my first time in the US and I am absolutely loving it! The US is a lot more populated than Australia and things are so much bigger here! There is so much more to see and the adventures are endless. I am definitely excited for the possibility of travel during spring break or even my free time. I definitely recommend all athletes to travel over earlier to get a feel for the change and also to look around and see America for its insane sites.

  1. When do you report to campus?

11760217_925221387540607_8733364336635139892_nI report to Jacksonville College in Texas on the 1st of August. The soccer team arrives before everyone else so that we can pick out dorm and dorm mates, plus meet the team and start training. We will also be picking our subjects for the courses that we have chosen. All this allows us to settle in and get a feel for the college

  1. Describe your excitement to get to school and start preseason

I am very excited to get started. Talking to my coach and other players has definitely boosted my confidence and excitement to start training and meet everyone when I reach Jacksonville College. It will be a great experience and it’s a chance of a lifetime! Definitely a great opportunity to play the sport I love in a great country and try push to my personal best

  1. How has the coach contact been thus far?

Coach Gonzalez has been a great help and it will definitely be an outstanding coach to play for! He has emailed, Skyped and also Facebook messaged me to make sure that I have everything that I need and that if I need any help or have further questions, I can always contact him. He also contacted me about a training program prior to travelling to Jacksonville College and also general food ideas to make sure I’m staying fit and healthy. This is all so that when I arrive I’ll be set to go for preseason and the first game within the first few weeks.

  1. What is the one thing you are looking forward to most about getting to campus?

The thing that I am looking forward to is starting preseason, getting the games and training underway so that I can start playing already 🙂 You definitely miss playing after a short time so it makes you that much more excited to start playing again and as soon as possible.

  1. Do you have any fun stories since you’ve been in the US that you would like to share 🙂

11695759_922882807774465_8239398822137600215_nOne of the most amazing things over in America is their cars! You have Mustangs, Corvettes, Porches, Camaro’s and the list goes on! Then you have Lamborghini’s, Ferrari’s, Maserati’s.

Wow! What an experience! Thank you for sharing Riley and have so much fun at Jacksonville College!





wanna play college sport