Part one of our chat with soccer star, Jessie Andrews, is below:


What drew you to soccer?

Well my mum was a big soccer fan as well and she played for many years and was quite successful and absolutely loved it. So she signed up myself, my twin sister and my 3 brothers when we were young and we all loved it! Eventually most of my siblings stopped playing as they grew up, however ever since that first game 9 years ago I have always loved it and have been so thankful for mums love of soccer and willingness to drive me to every training and game since and supporting me through my soccer endeavours.

Why do you love it?

I love soccer for many reasons but the main reason is just plainly because it is so much fun! There is always something new to learn whether it be a new skill or tactical awareness. It allows me to keep fit whilst enjoying myself and learning new things. Also playing soccer has allowed me to form long lasting relationships with my team mates and coaches, the team becomes more than just a team and more like a small family who all appreciate each other’s skills and abilities and have amazing experiences together.

We love your enthusiasm, Jessie!

Stay tuned for part two of our chat!