
What do you love about soccer?

The thing I love most about soccer is the teamwork it requires. Without a team, soccer would be nothing. I also love the concentration and focus it uses, there is so much to think about on the field and also getting mentally prepared off the field. It is such an enjoyable game to watch and play. There is always so much to learn in each game and training session.

Why did you want to get involved in NSR?

It has always been my dream to study overseas but I never thought it would be possible. When I heard about NSR, I knew it was the right thing for me. Not only would I get to study overseas but also play the sport I love at a whole new level. I like the idea of being able to finance part of my studies by excelling in the sport I love. I also think it is important to have a goal to work towards, joining NSR has given me the opportunity to set high goals and to strive to them.

What will you study overseas?

I am planning on studying sports management but I’m still not a 100% sure. I can see myself studying something to do with sport because that is what interests me most.

What do you hope to get out of the whole experience? 

I hope to gain much more soccer experience by playing at a different level and a different style of play. Going overseas for a long period of time, especially in the early stages of life will help me find who I am and what I want to do when I’m older. Going outside of your comfort zone can test your boundaries and see what you really are capable of. I am also looking forward to experiencing a different culture and of course meeting great people who will be a big part of my everyday life.

We have high hopes for this talented young girl!