Camden_County_College_(logo)It’s the interview that you’ve all been waiting for, NSR chats with Camden County College’s Shane Kumar on his college experience thus far. Shane shares his social experience as a freshman and his unique experience with college living.

College Living

Shane chats about his unique experience with college living. Currently living in an off campus shared house, Shane lives with 10 other students comprised of 2 students from the UK, 2 from Brazil and 6 fellow Australians. Residing within a 4 story house allows for comfortable living for all students. Shane has learnt to deal with different personalities within the house and has bonded with the other students within the house. During his time living in the shared house, Shane has learnt about the varying cultures within the house and how to adapt his living style to live harmoniously with his roommates. Shane explains that he still has yet to learn more about the college lifestyle, but has enjoyed the experience thus far.


What is freshman year all about?

 Amongst the typical freshman experiences of finding their way around the college grounds and adapting to tertiary work requirements, Shane tells of how his social life grew immensely “…People love Australians, everyone wants to be your friend…” being open to new friendships and having the desire to chat to a number of people are two requirements of the social scene of freshman year.  Shane is enjoying the growth rate of his friendships abroad not only within his college setting, but those within surrounding colleges. Shane has made contact with a number of coaches in the surrounding area, enhancing his reputation as a top soccer player within the area.

NSR thanks the talented Shane Kumar for his valuable insight into his experience at Camden County College experience. We wish Shane good luck as he heads back to college in August with his younger brother Roneil!