While most student-athletes preparing to head to the US to study and play sport enjoy some down time before the big adventure, soccer talent Martin Zafirov excelled his skills at a training camp in Macedonia.


Martin is looking forward to the incredible opportunity to spend four years playing elite soccer and studying for a business degree at Monmouth College in Illinois. Before he landed in the U.S. in mid-August, Martin and his father Boban journeyed to Macedonia for a gruelling two-week training camp in preparation for the intensity of college soccer.

Martin has been playing for the Western Condors in NSW in an under 20’s squad under the support of his father, who encouraged him to challenge himself in a higher age bracket.

“I helped put him there (U20s) to push him up a level and to get that physical part out of him. At that age he’s good, he just needs to build some physical stuff. He’s definitely picked up some defensive skills and some physical shape that he is going to need over there,” Boban said.

Originally from Macedonia and having played his junior years there, Boban presented this opportunity to his son, giving Martin every chance to benefit from the connections and resources he can offer.

“Macedonia is where I played my soccer in the early days and I know a few coaches over there that are running National League teams, so I’m going to get him in one of them and get him a bit fitter. It’s a bit of a boot camp.

“He’ll be tested on his fitness at the start of college so we will have to get him ready!” Boban said.

The Zafirov’s are extremely proud of Martin and are excited to see where this journey takes him. They are very supportive and encouraging of him achieving the best he can and venturing out into the world to create his own memories and experiences.


“This opportunity is unbelievable for a young kid. I reckon they need it. I 100% agree with these kids going out and learning a bit about life on their own and getting that independence,” Boban noted.


Martin hopes to earn his business degree and improve his soccer ability during his international experience. He also looks forward to making life-long friends and developing as a young athlete, something his dad fully supports.

“That’s something else that he’s going to benefit from, having the social side and opening up more. Kids are a bit closed off these days so he will be able to open up more and he will benefit from that personal side. I think that will take his soccer to another level too. I’m looking forward to that transformation.”

Focused on his degree and taking every sporting opportunity available, Martin is already a motivated and determined young student-athlete. Boban notes that he is embracing this new pathway he finds himself on and is looking forward to what the future holds.

“He knows how huge it is. He always wanted a chance to be in a more professional environment. It’s a little bit different in America, you can do both things together. I have no doubt that he will love it!” the devoted father said.

The Zafirov’s are ready for this next step for Maritn and are thrilled with this opportunity and what it could bring for him.

“I definitely told him to really push himself. I told him; give it your best and you never know what could happen over there,” Boban said.
Martin has already challenged himself, getting the most out of every opportunity before he even set foot on his college campus. We can’t wait to see how he progresses over the years to come!