Victorian superstar basketballer commits to HUGE D1 program BOSTON College

Top NSR basketball athlete, Lana Hollingsworth (Basketball VIC), has started her College career at Boston College in Massachusetts. Lana will be play for the Eagles in the 2018/19 season and has begun training with the successful NCAA Division 1 program. For Hollingsworth, a guard from Melbourne, this commitment is the beginning of a journey that has been almost 10 years in the making!

“I‘ve known that I wanted to go to college since I was about 8 years old. I remember watching my first NCAA tournament and being in awe of everything, the lights, the crowd and the basketball. Immediately, I realised that I wanted to do that, and that I wanted to go and play against some of the best players in the world. Now, I finally get to follow one of my biggest dreams!”

The decision to commit to Boston College wasn’t an easy one for Lana, as she was speaking with a handful of top NCAA Division I programs.


However, once she arrived on campus for her official visit, she knew Boston College was the one!

“It was really difficult to choose because obviously every school is amazing, and every coach and team is nice to you when they’re trying to recruit you. I definitely always wanted to go with my gut, and as soon as I got to BC’s campus I felt at home.” Coach Johnson and his staff also played a major part in her decision, “Coach Johnson’s coaching philosophy

resonates with me a lot, and I think BC’s style of play is a good match to develop my game.”

When asked what she is most looking forward to, it’s no surprise that Lana, like any true competitor, just can’t wait to get on the court!

“I think I’m most excited about that first game. The first time I get to play at Conte Forum, lights, cameras and all. I think that’ll be a really special experience because I’ve never had anything close to that here in Australia.”

While basketball is obviously a very important aspect of this journey for Lana, she also puts a massive emphasis on her academics. Lana Plans to major in Pre-Med at Boston College. Lana completed high school with an incredible ATAR score, a high SAT score and had great grades throughout her time at Haileybury in Melbourne.

Academic Excellence throughout high school opened up Lana’s Collegiate options

Lana has been very successful in the lead up to departing for the US, making multiple Australian sides and competing overseas in large

international tournaments. This certainly helped her catch the eye of top NCAA Division 1 and 2 programs across the US. Being a very high achiever throughout high school, as well as on the court has definitely helped her secure a Scholarship at an NCAA Division 1 school.

Lana is an athlete you will want to keep an eye on both on and off the court! Congratulations Lana, and on behalf of everyone here at the NSR family, Good luck!

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