Zoe Pedler is definitely a force to be reckoned with. Just as talented in sports as academics, the young hockey talent hailing from WA is eager to make an impact. The eloquent and mature Zoe was kind enough to take some time out of her busy schedule to answer some of our questions, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to  introduce you all to her. 

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How has your life changed since signing with NSR?
For the better! How many people get to say that they have received an opportunity like this? Before my Grandpa passed away he told me to do something no one else is doing – then a year later this amazing and life changing opportunity popped up. It’s great setting more goals and having something to look forward to. Since signing with NSR I’ve been earning my Certificate lV in Massage Therapy and shortly I will be studying my Diploma in Remedial Massage Therapy. This opportunity has helped push me into TAFE and I love it! I’ve become a sponge for knowledge and striving for great things. (Plus I also receive many more cuddles from friends and family because they’ll miss me when I leave haha!)

What do you hope to get out of this whole experience?
Experience. To earn a degree, receive hockey coaching/training on a whole new level, make more friends from all over the world and maybe pick up another language. I’ve always wanted to travel to America and now I get the chance to live there for a while.

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What excites you about living in the USA?
It’ll be new, new places to go to every day, new people to meet, things to see and do. I will admit having a higher chance of bumping into actors and singers is a bonus haha.

What are your dreams and aspirations?
Well ever since I could talk I’ve just wanted to perform/entertain – be an actress and/or singer, but that’s a little foggy now that I have the chance to study absolutely anything that takes my interest and enthusiasm! With this opportunity I was all for the hockey side of things but I equally feel excited for the degree/study and I like that about myself as I’m committed to both aspects of the college experience.

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What’s your greatest sporting and personal accomplishment so far?
My greatest sporting accomplishment so far would probably be receiving a fairest and best trophy from two different clubs over the years, as well as being chosen to be captain of my team for the past two years.

My greatest personal accomplishment so far I think would be caring for my body better – feeding it the right nutrients and listening to my body, I love exercising! I’ve had a lot of personal growth and I’ve also started just enjoying my own company and smiling more. Just a positive mindset and appreciation of life.