bradley wallisWe chat with NZ golfing pro, Bradley Wallis, who is currently in the top 4% in NZ and 5% in the local club and Manawatu/Wanganui region on handicap. Check out our Q&A with the burgeoning star, who is a proud member of the NSR team.




WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GET INVOLVED? Both of my parents play golf and I grew up watching my dad play. He is the main reason I got into golf in the first place.


WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT IT? I love how no matter how well you play there is always that one thing that you think you could have done better. It makes you strive for the perfect round.


WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT SO FAR? Being accepted into the NSR Australia US College golf programme.


HOW OFTEN DO YOU TRAIN EACH WEEK? As much as I can. School and the weather make it very hard but if it is not raining I am most likely out on the golf course.


WHAT IS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE? The biggest chalange in golf for me is to block out a bad shot and focus on the next shot.


HOW DO YOU KEEP A BALANCE OF SPORT AND SCHOOL? It is very difficult especially as golf is not a school sport but I usualy play golf while it’s light and then do school work.


WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL AND YOUR TRAINING? I don’t do much outside training. I tend to go out and have a game with dad or relax at home.


WHERE DO YOU HOPE TO GO WITH THIS IN THE FUTURE? My goal is to turn pro one day.


WHERE TO NEXT AFTER WCS? College in the US to do Accounting and play golf.


Wow, this one is aiming for the stars and we’re sure he’s going to get there!