
What do you hope to gain out of this whole experience?

I hope to improve my golf to show my full potential, and also gain a second degree by the time I’m 24. I hope that I will be able to use my previous life experience to gain the most out of the coming adventure. And able to play golf while being able to combine what I have learnt from Lincoln University NZ before I leave and whichever College/University I am lucky enough to attend in the US in my future.

What is your dream?

My dream is to play golf at the highest level, playing the sport I love for a living, being able to support myself and future family by doing what I enjoy most. And if I am able to apply my degrees and own my own business would be ideal also.


How has signing with NSR changed your life so far?

I’m so thankful of what NSR has done for me so far and what they will continue do in the future. It has given me the opportunity to take what is one of the biggest steps so far towards my ultimate dream of playing golf professionally, given me a opportunity to grow into the athlete I wish to be.

Wow, what a star!